Duration: 42minNeeded: Notebook and pen In this session we’ll look at where you’ve been ‘people pleasing’. Is there a relationship where you did, say, or gave something that didn’t fully come out of joy and inspiration? Is there a relationship where you say yes even...
People pleasing
I already got everything I’m looking for
Duration: 38 min In this session we’ll use a situation or relationship where you feel the need for approval, appreciation, validation and love. We will explore more deeply all the beliefs around this and look in what other relationships, starting from when we...
Fear of what other people are thinking of me
Duration: 48 min In this session we will look at our fear for other people’s opinions about us. Where is it that we are still afraid of what people think of us? What do we do to be liked, loved, understood, make sure people know our good intentions, make sure people...
Help, I’m living together with someone!
If you live together with a partner, kids or a roommate, I’m sure you’ve experienced yourself feeling upset about things they did or didn’t do. Dishes undone, beds unmade, socks in the halfway, trash not taken out… The people we live with can push our buttons quiet...